
There is this word, "friction", that has a couple of different meanings and is described in all sorts of books. I chose to quote here the Oxford English Thesaurus which claims the following:

1. (noun) the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another
2. then action of one surface or object rubbing against another
3. conflict or disagreement
- origin Latin, from fricare, "to rub"
Further explanatory definitions:
1. a lubrication system which reduces friction, ABBRASION, rubbing, chafing, grating, rasping, scraping, resistance, drag
2. there was considerable friction between father and son, DISSCORD, strife, conflict, disagreement, dissension, dissent, opposition, contention, disoute, disputation, arguing, argument, quarreling, bickering, squabbling, wrangling, fighting, feuding, rivalry, hostility, animosity, antipathy, enmity, antagonism, resentment, acrimony, bitterness, bad feeling, ill feeling, ill will, bad blood.
- opposites: Harmony

Therefore, these would be the possible ways of interpreting and of using it in contexts. It was not by chance that I focused on this particular word, as in my opinion it perfectly describes, through its basic two meanings - the Physics-related and the social-emotional one - the duality in human beings. It is only when you are continuously self-confrontational and enclined to see every little thing from opposite sides that you rub yourself against your personality. It is only when you are never satisfied with answer number one that you disagree with it and ellaborate on the possibles answers number two. It is only when you constantly dispute yourself that you resist your arguments and rival your reasoning. Opposite ideas have to collide in a manner that will keep the meanings as well as their results, together, as they are outcomes of the same head. In real life, whenever you disagree with someone, you can often go away and mind your own business. But when actually wearing a conflict-based head, going away is hardly (if ever) possbile.

Want an example? 'k...take love versus reality checks.

An everyday friction of different electrical charge neuronal cells - quite a destiny for some.
