
Showing posts with the label englezisme

to tango or not to love? that is the question

It takes two to tango. It could take two to love. Two of a kind - my paint

The other side of loneliness

Probably the most turning on aspect of a couple's dynamic is when you see him taking care of your baby.

And then we understand

"The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story and writes another. And his humblest hour is when he compares the volume as it is with the way that he had hoped it would be".


You come home, make some tea, sit down in your armchair and all around there's silence. Everyone decides for themselves whether that's loneliness or freedom.

Cold feet

Drumul catre tine insuti incepe cu tine. Drumul catre noi incepe din culisele sufletelor deschise.

Introspective debate

      If you were to live forever, what would you live for?       But we don't live forever. And we all do owe a death, as they say. Within our temporal limits we share a whole bunch of fears which otherwise, in the scenario of an infinite life, we won't be able to feel anymore. And fear is, although not always very clearly from the start, a goldmine. Because   You will never fear what you achieve when you  try .       Fear gives you courage.           In an infinite life there would be no fear, no prioritization of facts and actions, no need for choice, a very probable terrible waste of time, and ultimately, no courage. Accidentaly on purpose        Still, it's worth a shot: If you were to live forever, what would you live for?

Our intrinsic jungle-bee's social refraction angle

    The existence of a shrink in your life is bad enough not to experience anything more besides the demons in your head.      So, take my advice: only after having learnt to tame and deal with yourselves, only after having dealt with your wounds and  your struggles and the salt you finally had the courage to place on the painful spots in the end made crusts from the little monsters in you, please engage in dwelling in the list of neverending worst-case-scenarios sorrounding us.     Seriously!     Is everything out there a danger lurching?          Or is it just a beautiful yet deranged imbalance pulling us together whenever we feel like flipping out or when the centrifugal forces within us strike like the worst storm? That is, is the danger outside us the reason why we need to temper the danger within us?  ...

De dimineata

"You can't shake hands with a clenched fist"

La alegere

We scream to avoid suffering and silence. And suffer in silence for not to scream. Prefer scandalul :) Este si motivul pentru care nu exista an fara weekend-uri la munte. Nicaieri nu te loveste hidosenia supla a ecoului unui urlat mai tare ca acolo. Asta, bineinteles, daca nu vei fi uitat deja pana acolo ca lumea comporta si aspecte negative :)