Arta de a face din minciuna o arta.

Magic is the only honest profession. A magician promisses to deceive you and he does.
Deception - is a fundamental part of life (...) We deceive to gain advantage and to hide our weaknesses. Some (...) deceive for money.

Self-deception. That's when we convince ourselves that a lie is the truth. Sometimes it's hard to tell the two apart. Compulsive gamblers are experts at self-deception. They believe they can win. They forget the times they lose. The brain is very good at forgetting. Bad experiences are quickly forgotten. Bad experiences quickly dissapear. (...) Our self-deception becomes a positive illusion.

Art was the greatest deception of all. Art is a deception that creates real emotions, a lie that creates a truth. And when you give yourself over to that deception, it becomes magic.

Reprezentarea reusita a intregii pledoarii se gaseste aici.
